Prof. Dr. Guus A.M.S. van Dongen won IXA 2023
Congratulations Guus! What a great achievement! Prof. Dr. Guus A.M.S. van Dongen, professor of medical imaging and biomarkers at Amsterdam UMC, has won the Amsterdam Impact Awards for, as he says, his radioactive TomTom. He developed new imaging techniques to visualize the behavior of medicines in the body at a molecular level. “We have no idea what medicines really do in our bodies. It’s like driving into Amsterdam without navigation.” One way is to make medicines slightly radioactive so that they light up on a scan: a radioactive TomTom.
Maria Vosjan already had prior knowledge and contributed to a video to congratulate Guus! Guus van Dongen was also the driving force behind the establishment of the Amsterdam UMC Imaging Center. It is inspiring to see how all the different disciplines in the Amsterdam Imaging Center bring each other to a higher level.